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Facebook commands


For user's with default account id in url ( some of the scrapers may not work - work and education - contact data - visited place - family member - recent places - reviews - likes

This issue doesn't occur while facebook account has a custom id in url (

I am working on to fix this issue.

Log in

2-step verification

python login-2-step

Default log in

python login

Account & Page scrapers

  • By default this commands were created to scrape accounts but many of them also works for pages
  • If some option doesn't work for a PAGE there is a note like this "🛑 Page not support"


python fb-account <facebook_id> <option_1> <option_2> ...

--work # Scrape work and education information from the given facebook account
--contact # Scrape contact data from the given facebook account
--location # Scrape location data from the given facebook account
--family # Scrape family members data from the given facebook account
--name # Scrape full name from the given facebook account
--friends # Scrape friends list from the given facebook account 🛑 Page not support
--images # Scrape images from the given facebook account 
--recent # Scrape recent places from the given facebook account 🛑 Page not support
--reels # Scrape urls for reels from the given facebook account
--reviews # Scrape reviews from the given facebook account
--videos # Scrape urls for videos from the given facebook account
--da # Download all videos from the given facebook account
--dn # Download only new videos from the given facebook account
--posts # Scrape all posts from the given facebook account
--details # Scrape details of posts from the given facebook account
--likes # Scrape likes from the given facebook account
--groups # Scrape groups from the given facebook account
--events # Scrape events from the given facebook account
For example
python zuck --work --contact --family --friends



Scrape post details based on post URL - In database Posts scraped based on a given URL are in relation with object Person with ID - "Anonymous"

python post-details "<post_url>"

I recommend to paste post url inside " " to avoid errors

Local Web Application

Run FastAPI application

App is available under this local url - http://localhost:8000/

python server

Video downloader

Download single video from facebook

python download-video <facebook_video_url>



To create a graph of connections between Person objects based on their Friends use this command

python graph 

Basic Scraper Console

Friend Crawler

This command works similarly to the command that scrapes data about a given user's friends list. The difference, however, is that after scraping and creating Friend objects, it also creates objects for the CrawlerQueue model and after successfully scraping friends for one user, it proceeds to scraping the list of friends for the next user in the queue.

Friend crawler schema

Run crawler

Start crawler for specified facebook account

python friend-crawler <facebook_id>

Display queue

Display all objects available in the queue

python display-queue

Delete queue object

Delete specified queue object

python delete-queue-object <id>

Clear queue

Delete all objects from the queue

python clear-queue

This command allows to search for: places, pages, person, groups, events, posts

python fb-search <"Search Query"> <results> <option_1> <option_2> ... 

--post # Search for posts based on given query
--results # Number of results 
--people # Search for people based on given query
--group # Search for group based on given query
--place # Search for place based on given query
--event # Search for event based on given query
--page # Search for page based on given query
  • Search query should be in double " "
  • Number of results MUST be an integer

After running this command you can select which data you would like to scrape Result's will be saved in this directory /facebookspy/scraped_data/


python fb-search "Poland" 20 --post --place --event

Search  Scraper Console